* 2013. június 20.- CSÜTÖRTÖK
09:30-tól külön forgatókönyv szerint – Zsűritagok felkészítő értekezlet
12.00-től du. 18.30-ig A résztvevők érkezése, regisztráció
12:00-től 13:30-ig Színpadpróba az előzetes bejelentések szerint
14:00-tól Szükség esetén az egyindulós kategóriák versenye
Szállások elfoglalása
- Üdvözlőbeszéd
- A résztvevő nemzetek bemutatása, nemzeti himnuszok
- Hivatalos megnyitó és Gála
- A tisztségviselők és a zsűri bemutatása
- Információk a versenyprogramról
Kb. 20.30 – Fogadás a nemzeti csapatok vezetői és a verseny tisztségviselői számára.
* . 2013. Június 21.– PÉNTEK
7.45-től 8.30-ig A résztvevők érkezése, regisztráció
Színpadpróba az előzetes bejelentések szerint
9.00-tól - versenyek: Break, Disco freestyle, Electric, Free show, Techno, Sport rocky és esetleg kvalifikált passzív táncfajták versenyszámainak versenye a tervek szerint.
Kb. 12.30 Ebédszünet, és közben:
Eredményhirdetés/díjátadás a délelőtti kategóriákban, közben fellép a Szigetszentmiklósi „Napraforgó” Néptánc együttes Hídvégi Éva vezetésével
Kb. 13.30-tól - versenyek
Verseny végén: eredményhirdetés, díjátadás
* 2013. Június 22. - SZOMBAT
7.45-től A résztvevők érkezése, regisztráció
Színpadpróba az előzetes bejelentések szerint
9.00-tól – versenyek: Ballroom Show, Caribi/Latin Show, Dance show és Fantasy táncfajták versenye a tervek szerint.
Kb. 13.20 Ebédszünet, és közben:
Eredményhirdetés/díjátadás a délelőtti kategóriákban, közben fellép a Gyáli „Pörög a Gyáli szoknya” Néptáncegyüttes Kalmárné Mogyorósi Andrea vezetésével
Kb. 14.00-tól – versenyek
A verseny végén: eredményhirdetés, díjátadás
* 2011. Június 23. - VASÁRNAP
7.45-től 8.30-ig A résztvevők érkezése, regisztráció
Színpadpróba az előzetes bejelentések szerint
9.00-tól - versenyek: Disco dance, Funky, Hip-hop, Street dance revue versenyszámok versenye a tervek szerint.
Kb. 13.15 Ebédszünet, és közben:
Eredményhirdetés/díjátadás a délelőtti kategóriákban, közben fellép a Halásztelki Garabonciás Néptáncegyüttes Popov Szimonov Trifonné (Panni)vezetésével
Kb. 14.00-tól – versenyekA verseny végén: eredményhirdetés, díjátadás
Kb. 20.00 – Záróünnepély
June 20th, 2013.
14:00 Start Competition
Hymns of the participating nations
Introduction of jury members
1 |
Funky Couples Adults |
Finals (1) |
2 |
Funky Duo Mini |
Finals (1) |
3 |
Hip Hop Couples Junior |
Finals (1) |
4 |
Hip Hop Solo Mini M |
Finals (1) |
5 |
Hip Hop Form. Youth |
Finals (1) |
6 |
Disco Dance Couples Mini |
Finals (1) |
7 |
Disco Dance Duo Adults |
Finals (1) |
8 |
Street Dance Revue Solo-M Mini |
Finals (1) |
9 |
Street Dance Revue Solo-M Youth |
Finals (1) |
10 |
Disco FreeStyle Couples Mini |
Finals (1) |
11 |
Funky Small Group Adults |
Finals (1) |
12 |
Funky Small Group Mini |
Finals (1) |
13 |
Street Dance Revue Couples Adult |
Finals (1) |
14 |
Street Dance Revue Couples Youth |
Finals (1) |
15 |
Street Dance Revue Form Mini |
Finals (1) |
16 |
Disco FreeStyle Form Youth |
Finals (1) |
17 |
Street Dance Revue Duo Adult |
Finals (1) |
18 |
Fantasy Solo Mini M |
Finals (1) |
19 |
Free Show Duo Adults |
Finals (1) |
20 |
Fantasy Couples Adults |
Finals (1) |
21 |
Ballroom Show Small Group Youth |
Finals (1) |
22 |
Dance Show Couples Junior |
Finals (1) |
23 |
Dance Show Couples Adults |
Finals (1) |
24 |
Street Dance Revue Small Group Junior |
Finals (1) |
25 |
Ballroom Show Form Youth |
Finals (1) |
Approx.: 17:00 Presentation of awards
19:00 Official opening gala according to separate program
Approx. 21:00 Reception banquet for the national team leaders and officials
June 21st, 2013.
09:00 Start Competition
Hymns of the participating nations
Introduction of jury members
1 |
Disco FreeStyle Solo Youth F |
Finals (5) |
2 |
Disco FreeStyle Solo Mini F |
Finals (4) |
3 |
Disco FreeStyle Solo Mini M |
Finals (2) |
4 |
Disco FreeStyle Solo Youth M |
Finals (3) |
5 |
Sport Rocky Couples Mini |
Finals (3) |
6 |
Sport Rocky Couples Youth |
Finals (3) |
7 |
Break Dance Solo Mini F |
Finals (1) |
8 |
Break Dance Solo Youth M |
Finals (5) |
9 |
Free Show Solo Mini F |
Finals (4) |
10 |
Free Show Solo Youth F |
Finals (7) |
11 |
Free Show Solo Youth M |
Finals (1) |
12 |
Disco FreeStyle Couples Youth |
Finals (3) |
13 |
Electric Solo Mini |
Finals (1) |
14 |
Electric Solo Youth |
Finals (2) |
15 |
Free Show Duo Youth |
Finals (3) |
16 |
Sport Rocky Small Group Youth |
Finals (2) |
17 |
Sport Rocky Small Group Mini |
Finals (2) |
18 |
Free Show Form Mini |
Finals (1) |
19 |
Free Show Small Group Youth |
Finals (3) |
20 |
Free Show Form Youth |
Finals (2) |
21 |
Disco FreeStyle Duo Mini |
Finals (2) |
22 |
Disco FreeStyle Duo Youth |
Finals (3) |
Approx.: 12:50 Presentation: NAPRAFORGÓ Folk Dance team: HUNGARIAN FOLK DANCES
Presentation of awards : approx.: 13:00
Start Competition : 14:30
23 |
Disco FreeStyle Solo Junior F |
Finals (4) |
24 |
Electric Solo Adults |
Finals (2) |
25 |
Electric Solo - F Adult |
Finals (1) |
26 |
Free Show Solo Junior F |
Finals (5) |
27 |
Free Show Solo Adults F |
Finals (3) |
28 |
Caribbean Merengue Adults |
Finals (3) |
29 |
Disco FreeStyle Duo Junior |
Finals (3) |
30 |
Electric Duo Adults |
Finals (1) |
31 |
Free Show Duo Junior |
Finals (3) |
32 |
Break Dance Small Group Adult |
Finals (1) |
33 |
Free Show Small Group Adults |
Finals (1) |
34 |
Caribbean Bachata Junior |
Finals (3) |
35 |
Caribbean Bachata Adults |
Finals (3) |
36 |
Street Dance Revue Small Group Adult |
Finals (4) |
37 |
Free Show Form Junior |
Finals (1) |
Approx.: 17:45 Presentation of awards
June 22nd, 2013.
09:00 Start Competition
Hymns of the participating nations
Introduction of jury members
1 |
Dance Show Solo Mini F |
Finals (8) |
2 |
Dance Show Solo Youth F |
Finals (10) |
3 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Couples Mini |
Finals (4) |
4 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Couples Youth |
Finals (4) |
5 |
Fantasy Solo Mini F |
Finals (7) |
6 |
Fantasy Solo Youth F |
Finals (8) |
7 |
Ballroom Show Couples Youth |
Finals (3) |
8 |
Ballroom Show Couples Mini |
Finals (3) |
9 |
Dance Show Duo Mini |
Finals (2) |
10 |
Dance Show Duo Youth |
Finals (5) |
11 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Small Group Youth |
Finals (3) |
12 |
Fantasy Duo Mini |
Finals (1) |
13 |
Fantasy Duo Youth |
Finals (2) |
14 |
Dance Show Couples Mini |
Finals (2) |
15 |
Dance Show Couples Youth |
Finals (2) |
16 |
Fantasy Small Group Youth |
Finals (2) |
17 |
Dance Show Small Group Mini |
Finals (3) |
18 |
Dance Show Small Group Youth |
Finals (4) |
19 |
Fantasy Form. Mini |
Finals (1) |
20 |
Fantasy Form. Youth |
Finals (6) |
21 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Form Youth |
Finals (2) |
22 |
Dance Show Form Mini |
Finals (2) |
23 |
Dance Show Form Youth |
Finals (6) |
Approx.: 13:55 Presentation: „Pörög gyáli szoknya” Folk Dance team: Moldavian and Hungarian Folk Dances
Presentation of awards : approx.: 14:10
Start Competition : 14:45
24 |
Dance Show Solo Junior F |
Finals (8) |
25 |
Dance Show Solo Adults F |
Finals (7) |
26 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Couples Junior |
Finals (6) |
27 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Couples Adults |
Finals (9) |
28 |
Fantasy Solo Junior F |
Finals (8) |
29 |
Fantasy Solo Adults F |
Finals (6) |
30 |
Ballroom Show Couples Junior |
Finals (5) |
31 |
Ballroom Show Couples Adult |
Finals (6) |
32 |
Dance Show Duo Junior |
Finals (5) |
33 |
Dance Show Duo Adults |
Finals (3) |
34 |
Fantasy Duo Junior |
Finals (2) |
35 |
Fantasy Duo Adults |
Finals (4) |
36 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Small Group Adult |
Finals (4) |
37 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Small Group Junior |
Finals (3) |
38 |
Fantasy Small Group Junior |
Finals (4) |
39 |
Fantasy Small Group Adults |
Finals (2) |
40 |
Ballroom Show Small Group Adult |
Finals (2) |
41 |
Dance Show Small Group Junior |
Finals (4) |
42 |
Dance Show Small Group Adults |
Finals (3) |
43 |
Ballroom Show Form Adult |
Finals (2) |
44 |
Fantasy Form. Junior |
Finals (3) |
45 |
Fantasy Form. Adults |
Finals (4) |
46 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Form Junior |
Finals (4) |
47 |
Caribbean/Latin Show Form Adults |
Finals (3) |
48 |
Dance Show Form Junior |
Finals (4) |
49 |
Dance Show Form Adults |
Finals (4) |
Approx.: 21:15 Presentation of awards
June 23rd, 2013.
09:00 Start Competition
Hymns of the participating nations
Introduction of jury members
1 |
Disco Dance Solo Youth F |
Semi-Finals (14) |
2 |
Disco Dance Solo Mini F |
Finals (10) |
3 |
Disco Dance Solo Mini M |
Finals (2) |
4 |
Disco Dance Solo Youth M |
Finals (4) |
5 |
Disco Dance Solo Youth F |
Finals (6) |
6 |
Hip Hop Solo Mini F |
Finals (5) |
7 |
Hip Hop Solo Youth M |
Finals (4) |
8 |
Hip Hop Solo Youth F |
Finals (10) |
9 |
Funky Solo Mini F |
Finals (9) |
10 |
Funky Solo Youth F |
Finals (8) |
11 |
Street Dance Revue Solo-F Mini |
Finals (4) |
12 |
Street Dance Revue Solo-F Youth |
Finals (9) |
13 |
Disco Dance Duo Mini |
Finals (5) |
14 |
Disco Dance Duo Youth |
Finals (6) |
15 |
Hip Hop Duo Mini |
Finals (2) |
16 |
Hip Hop Duo Youth |
Finals (7) |
17 |
Disco Dance Couples Youth |
Finals (3) |
18 |
Funky Duo Youth |
Finals (5) |
19 |
Hip Hop Couples Youth |
Finals (3) |
20 |
Street Dance Revue Duo Youth |
Finals (2) |
21 |
Disco Dance Small Group Mini |
Finals (3) |
22 |
Disco Dance Small Group Youth |
Finals (5) |
23 |
Hip Hop Small Group Mini |
Finals (2) |
24 |
Hip Hop Small Group Youth |
Finals (3) |
25 |
Funky Small Group Youth |
Finals (3) |
26 |
Disco Dance Form. Youth |
Finals (2) |
27 |
Funky Form. Mini |
Finals (2) |
28 |
Funky Form. Youth |
Finals (4) |
29 |
Street Dance Revue Form Youth |
Finals (3) |
Approx.: 14:25 Presentation: GARABONCIÁS Folk Dance team: Bulgarian Nationality Dances
Presentation of awards : approx.: 14:30
Start Competition : 15:00
30 |
Disco Dance Solo Junior F |
Finals (9) |
31 |
Disco Dance Solo Adults F |
Finals (4) |
32 |
Hip Hop Solo Junior F |
Finals (7) |
33 |
Hip Hop Solo Junior M |
Finals (2) |
34 |
Hip Hop Solo Adults F |
Finals (6) |
35 |
Hip Hop Solo Adults M |
Finals (3) |
36 |
Funky Solo Junior F |
Finals (9) |
37 |
Funky Solo Adults F |
Finals (3) |
38 |
Street Dance Revue Solo-F Junior |
Finals (5) |
39 |
Street Dance Revue Solo-F Adult |
Finals (4) |
40 |
Disco Dance Duo Junior |
Finals (6) |
41 |
Hip Hop Duo Junior |
Finals (5) |
42 |
Hip Hop Duo Adults |
Finals (6) |
43 |
Street Dance Revue Duo Junior |
Finals (4) |
44 |
Funky Duo Junior |
Finals (1) |
45 |
Funky Duo Adults |
Finals (4) |
46 |
Disco Dance Small Group Junior |
Finals (4) |
47 |
Disco Dance Small Group Adults |
Finals (2) |
48 |
Hip Hop Couples Adults |
Finals (4) |
49 |
Hip Hop Small Group Junior |
Finals (3) |
50 |
Hip Hop Small Group Adults |
Finals (4) |
51 |
Disco Dance Form. Junior |
Finals (2) |
52 |
Funky Form. Adults |
Finals (3) |
53 |
Street Dance Revue Form Junior |
Finals (2) |
54 |
Street Dance Revue Form Adult |
Finals (3) |
55 |
Hip Hop Form. Junior |
Finals (3) |
56 |
Hip Hop Form. Adults |
Finals (3) |
Approx.: 19:55 Closing Gala
- VONZÁS KTSE: Folklor Show
- Dance Feeling: A special Dream
Approx.: 20:10 Presentation of awards
- Ábrahám Zoltán (HU)
Ballet master, ballet artist, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Carlo Nasci (ITA)
- Social dance master, modern dance coach, IFMD international judge
- Demcsák Ottó (HU)
Harangozó-prize winner,
Professional Vice President of the Hungarian Federation of Modern Dance Sports, ballet artist, choreographer,IFMD international judge
- Hajek Zsuzsanna (HU)
Coach of modern dance sport, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Jarosław Konasiuk (PL)
Coach of modern dance sport, specialist in gymnastics, IFMD international judge
- Klinger Hajnal (HU)
Ballet artist, modern dance coach, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Koósné Patkós Renáta (HU),
Coach of modern dance sport, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Langóné Tresó Zsuzsanna (HU),
Modern dance sports coach, master trainer in sports acrobatics, IFMD international judge
- Lőrinc Katalin (HU),
Harangozó-prize winner, contemporary teacher, ballet master, professor of the Hungarian Dance Arts Academy, IFMD international judge,
- Lucyna Milewska-Moneta (PL)
Modern dance coach, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Madarász Renáta (SER),
Modern dance teacher, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Mayer Petra (HU)
Social dance master, modern dance coach, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Németh Ádám (HU)
Coach and trainer of modern dance sport, choreographer, hip-hop teacher, IFMD international judge
- Oana Kovacs (ROM)
Social dance competitor, modern dance coach, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Orovec Béla (SER)
Social dance master, modern dance coach, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Robert Jakubowski (PL)
Choreographer, modern dance teacher, IFMD international judge
- Roland Kovacs (ROM)
Ballet dance artist, social dance competitor, modern dance coach, choreographer,
IFMD international judge
- Róthné Major Klára (HU)
Modern dance teacher, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Szeles Béla (SER)
Social dance master, modern dance coach, choreographer, IFMD Professional Vice President,
IFMD international judge
- Tóth Gábor (HU)
Coach of modern dance sport, social dance teacher, choreographer, IFMD international judge
- Zajácz Edina (HU)
Coach of modern dance sport, majorette master trainer, choreographer, IFMD international judge
Barna Attila (HU) IFMD President,
Berec Mihály (LOC- HU)
Local Organization Committee Chairman
Szeles Béla (SER) IFMD Vice President,
Competition supervisor
Király Tibor (LOC- HU)
Security Head
Bánfai Réka, Szabó Andrea, Bácsiné Sovány Mónika (LOC- HU)
Accomodation managers
Langó Zoltán (HU)
Organization Vice President of the Hungarian Federation of Modern Dance Sports, Head of Registration
Ábel István, Barna Zsuzsanna (HU)
Registration clerks
Barnáné Király Szilvia, Wietorisz Tamás (HU)
IFMD cards
Lehoczky Miklós, Lehoczkyné Idei Viola,
Botos Tamás, Vígh Tiborné (HU)
Stage masters
Halmai Barbara (HU)
Technical inspector
Kovács János, Kovácsné Éva (ROM)
Mátyus Petra, Vigh Patrícia, Vörös Orsolya (HU)
Technical assistants
Barna Dóra (HU)
Competition office head
Baranyai Böbe (HU)
Competition office assistant
Horváth Zsófia, Németh Szonja, Pápai Bettina (HU)
Competition officers
Fórzs Andrea, Fórzs Gabriella (LOC- HU)
Jury hostesses
Tajti Tibor, Tajti Sarolta (LOC- HU)
Interpreters, club care